The Hoyt Concept X 37 and 40 represent the exceptional engineering archers expect from Hoyt. With a riser, limb system, and cam system all designed to complement each other, the Concept X gives shooters an extremely stable foundation for seeking out target archery perfection.
Starting with a riser that minimizes rotational translation, adding a limb system that is the most torsionally stable we have ever designed, and wrapping it up with the SCTR cams – the culmination of two decades of Hoyt Cam & 1/2 and HB cam systems rolled into one. The Concept X beats the standards you expect from Hoyt.
Hold to a higher standard.
Concept X carries the torch with Hoyt’s proven Modular Grip System. This patented design allows archers to choose between grip plates at 0 (standard), 4 or 8 degree angled grip plates, along with a version of each grip angle in a plate that reduces draw length by 1/8″, allowing the archer to fine tune draw length without changing the tune of the bow.
FPS (ATA) 330
Weight (lbs) 4.75
Axle-to-Axle 37″
Brace Height 7″
Draw Length w/CDM Mod 26-29″